Interested In Being a speaker?

It's a tremendous honor to showcase a diverse group of exceptional women and their powerful stories at each That's What She Said Columbia. We select speakers who contribute to our community in important and unique ways. If you're intrigued by the thought of sharing your own story, submit an interest form so we can consider you as a speaker for a future show.

In the meantime, stay tuned as we reveal our next cast of speakers for That's What She Said Columbia!

Speaker interest Form


Interested in speaking but want to know more? Check out our FAQ's or head to our contact page to let us know your question.

What if I'm interested in speaking, but not certain how to find my story?

As we prepare for the show, our director, Allie Teagarden, meets with speakers regularly to support them as they develop their stories. Working together, we'll be able not only to help you find your story, but perfect it for the stage.

Can I apply even if I have stage fright?

Speaking in front of hundreds of people is no easy task. Even for women who are used to speaking publicly in their professional roles, sharing a personal story is a very different and sometimes daunting concept. However, we support and coach our speakers so they are ready to take the stage and speak with confidence. We host multiple rehearsals and speakers receive helpful feedback from our director and each other. You'll have lots of practice so that you're ready for the night of the show!

What if my story isn't good enough for the show?

Every woman has a story to tell. Every story has power. Your story will no doubt connect and inspire other women from Columbia. We work with all of our speakers to discover, craft, and perfect their stories for the stage.